Please take a moment today to pray for Darren D., long time Soldier of the Greeley Corps. He was recently admitted to the hospital with abdomen and blood pressure concerns. Unfortunately, during this time the family is in the process of moving out of their home as their landlord recently lost the house. Please keep his wife Carrie and the family in your prayers.
Amy L. (Billings, Montana), mother of Junior Soldier (soon to be Senior Soldier) Sarah L., is in grave condition with multiple life-threatening health issues and a 50/50 chance for survival. She is 38 years old. Please keep Amy, Sarah and the family in your prayers during these difficult days. Pray as well for Majors Keith and Linn as they minister to the family.
“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2, NIV
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer line for April 16, 2009: Please pray for the following:
1.Pray for those who are struggling with loss of jobs and homes due to the downturn in the economy, ask God to give His wisdom and grace to those who suffer and for a speedy turn-around in the world’s economy.
2.Pray for the many victims of rebel activity and piracy in the world. Pray for a spirit of peace and calm and that international support will be quickly given to those who are being affected.
3.President Obama has been in office eighty six days. Pray for Godly wisdom and protectionfor he and his Cabinet during these first 100 days of his presidency. View the daily printed prayers at
4.Give Thanks for the effective work by many that brought the successful release of Captain Richard Phillips following the dangerous hostage situation in the waters off the coast of Somalia last week. Give thanks for the great dedication of all highly trained military teams, asking they will be covered by God’s mighty protection.
5.Pray for the members of our military wherever they serve, at home or on distant shores.Pray that they will have the strength and protection of God.Give thanks for the great bravery of our military men and women. Pray for their safekeeping and ask for God’s encouragement and care for their families.
6.Pray for the leaders of our International Salvation Army: General Shaw Clifton, Commissioner Helen Clifton, Commissioners Israel and Eva Gaither; for ourTerritorial Leaders: Commissioners Philip and Pat Swyers, Colonels William and Susan Harfoot, the THQ Cabinet and staff, and for each Divisional Leader, ARC, and Corps Officer.
7.Pray for the protection and care of women and children who are victims of the terrible human trafficking and sex trade
8.Pray for the following: A/Captain Elsie Lantz, scheduled for by pass surgery on April 17; for Tina’s mom, Wilma Prince, diagnosed with a serious intestinal infection; Alfred Skelton, father of Candidate Randy Skelton, admitted to hospital to relieve fluid on his heart and lungs; for the mother of Laura Henry-John who suffered a bad fall; for Major Betty Randal as she regains strength following a stay in hospital; Major Audrey Madsen who injured her back ; Sedona, four month old granddaughter of Lt. Colonel Ray and Carolyn Peacock, scheduled for surgery April 23 to repair three holes in her heart; for Ann, healing for a chronic bone infection disease; Kay Stoops, health issues; Major Faye Nishimura, working hard on her therapy; Artie Lashbrook; Envoy Donna Bakkey; for Captain Michael Johnson of Napa Corps, a serious staph infection; Laura, “a sister in Christ”healing from depression, anxiety and low self- worth; for thehealth of Chris & Jeff Boyd’s unborn baby; for Terra Kammerer, Goodyear, diabetes; Major Joe Thompson;Merly’s family and her healing; for Bill and Carol grieving over loss of son, health and financial needs; and for soldiers and friends who are trusting God for healing and his mercy and care.
9.Pray for: Xandra Schmig, 8 year old daughter of Captains Schmig in Sierra Vista, Captain Sutter, surgery; healing for Beka Arnardi, a new mom, who has paralysis after removal of a spinal tumor; John Larson TAB Advisory Board member, Diane Docter, Jeanie Lucas, Dick Wiseman, the Lorin & Millie Corlis; Major Mona McRevey, recovering from a fall; for Easter Soli, in hospital due to a stroke; for Ann, healing of a bone infection; Tad Morelock, healing for suspected lymphoma; Major June Nicloy, throat problems; Major Jeff Dennis, healing; for Aux Capt Ligia Ambriz and her daughter and newborn grandson Davis; Major Diana Trimmer, diverticulitis Bill & Carol of Ohio, health and financial needs;
10.Pray for: For Retired officers who have not been well: Lt Colonels Lou and Le Roy Pedersen, Mrs. Lt. Colonel Alice Smith; A/Capt Evelyn Smith; ;Majors Jane and John Horgan; Major Hazel Irby; Brigadier Izzy Boyington; Brigadier Margaret Laverty; Brigadier Martha Hansen;Major Rusty Tomlinson, and others who have not been well.
11. Pray for those being treated for cancer: Tiffany Madsen, daughter of Majors Glen and Linda Madsen and sister to Captain Matt Madsen, stage 2 and 3 cancer; Vicky H. asks for prayer for her brother, Richard, who lives in Belgium receiving radiation for a brain tumor and that he will come to find Christ; Robin asks for prayer for her sister-in-law, Sherry; Vince DiGregorio; Major Henry Graciani, being treated for Lymphoma cancer; Dave West, of the Salem Corps;Dom asks for prayer for his boss, Richard Ross, Ken Bond of Phoenix, cancer reoccurrence; Major Ed Ringle chemotherapy; Karen, colon cancer; Michelle Solts;C.P. Yang-Looker, brain tumor; Sam and Mary Sims; Jewel Menard of San Luis Obispo, Lymphoma; Captain Stephen Sutter, chemo treatments; Dale Hill Jr.; Eleanor; Karen Imai;Major Dallas Pedersen;Eileen O'Brien; Jacob Galland; Mrs. Captain Sylvia Waldron; Dick Youngworth;Sue Ellen's Mom; Harley Plumlee of Arkansas, and others. Pray for great faith and great healing miracles!
12.Pray for the family and friends of those recently Promoted to Glory: For Major John Randal in the Promotion to Glory of his brother, Arnold of Flint, Michigan, and for Jazmin, grieving the Promotion to Glory of her sister Monique; May God give His comfort and healing.
13.Pray for the Youth Councils being held this weekend, April 17-19 in Cascade, Sierra Del Mar, and Southwest Division.May God bless and anoint the leaders and fill the lives of the young people with His power and blessing!
14.Pray for a Spiritual Revival for the country as the countdown begins for National Day of Prayer on May 7.
15.Begin Praying now for the visit of the General and the Commissioning of Cadets, May Jesus Christ be Glorified!
16.Prayer and Praise reports at:SAPRAYUSW.COM
God Bless You!Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Major Gwyn J. has been bereaved of his uncle, Peter Austin, and will be travelling to the United Kingdom next week to participate in memorial services. Please keep Major and family in your prayers during this time of loss.
Praise the Lord for the safe arrival of Orion Ezekiel. May the Lord bless Monticue's family. May the Lord go before baby Orion and prepare his path in this life.
Please lift up our Coach--Coach Will, in your prayer. He got into an accident today, and is in the hospital for check-up. May the Lord strengthen and comfort him during this difficult time. Praise the Lord that he is not in critical condition.
Alfred Duane S., father of Envoy Randy S. (West Adams Corps) has been admitted to the Wyoming Medical Center in Casper in order to alleviate fluid on his heart/lungs. Please keep Alfred and family in your prayers at this time. May the Lord heal Mr. Duane, and comfort him during this time.
Lt. Colonel Raymond P. has shared with us the following information on baby Sedona. Please continue to hold up the family in your prayers. Sedona continues to grow and gain weight, currently 10 pounds 13 ounces, four months old. That is the good news. The not so good news is that the three holes in her heart have not healed. She is scheduled for surgery April 23. Please keep her parents, Cory and Amy, and Sedona in your prayers. We will update after the surgical conference later this week.