Thursday, February 27, 2025

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-February 27, 2025

Major Michelle Thielenhaus-My surgery has been changed to March 24th due to my still having symptoms from the cold I got last month.

Vinnie Olds-I ask for traveling mercies for my husband and I, we will be traveling back East for a family celebration. I ask for prayers for my children, grandchildren and friends that they all grow closer with their relationships to God. Prayers for this entire world.

Lt. Sean Pease-Please be in prayer for our youth and family programs at the Corps. We've not had them in years due to COVID, the retiring of our long-time youth worker, and an officer change, but we're finally ready to relaunch them next week. We're having a teen night and a family night, and we're praying that people in need of these programs hear about them and attend and that myself and my staff/volunteers are open to be used by the Spirit in whatever way He leads.

Major Darren Norton-Please pray for Golden State Officers Councils next week – for rest and renewal for our officers. Our guest is Jeniffer Dake.

Cadet Stacy Fuqua-I am asking for prayer for my husband Cadet Christian, he got his gallbladder taken out on Friday and recovery has not been as smooth as we were hoping. Please pray for healing and rest for him.

Major Mike Halverson-This is an ongoing prayer for our youth pastor, Cosmas, that his family (wife and 3 children) can come and join him here in Great Falls from Cameroon Africa. That God will find a way to allow them to be joined together again. Also, that as long as they are there, they are safe.

Major Carlos Souza-Please continue to pray for my daughter Natalia, especially for her heart. She went to see a cardiologist and needs to do some tests, I would appreciate your prayers for that and for her to have a change of heart, spiritually, and put the Lord first in all areas of her life.

Capt. Kevin Woods- Please pray for my family. My sister Laronda Woods was promoted to glory on Friday and as you can imagine it's been very rough on the family. We are stationed up in Alaska and were not able to be there when she passed, but God has given us peace that passes all understanding, and our faith is strong.

Major Santos-Please continue to lift up The Salvation Army Ministry on Pohnpei (Madolenihmw Corps). Pray for the seekers that they will continue to seek God each day in their lives. We are still working with the Government to see if they can give us a land in town so we can start again The Salvation Army Kolonia Corps. Please pray for our government leaders, that they can have a heart to be willing to help us in this situation.

Democratic Republic of Congo Territory

For more than a decade, our country has been experiencing a war of aggression that has caused more than 6 million deaths to date, so we pray:

§ May the Lord protect the DRC, in the face of the threats of various pandemics that are disturbing the country and against the war of aggression that is causing a lot of material damage and damage to human life (people becoming refugees, homeless or orphans etc.).

§ May the Lord break through into the lives of children and young people who are involved in a culture of violence and abuse on the streets of Kinshasa.

§ May the Lord touch the hearts of decision-makers so that peace may reign throughout the country, and more precisely in the East.

§ Pray for the commissioning of new officers in June and for the new candidates who will be consecrated as cadets in October 2025.

§ May the Lord give us the necessary means to concretize and carry out this great mission which is the salvation of souls. Pray that there be the opening of new posts and outposts.

§ May the Lord bless and protect all the officers who are full-time in his service regardless of their background, may he bless the Salvationists and friends, may he increase the faith in each one so that there may be total consecration and that his work may go forward.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Amy K. - Dad's Health

"Prayers appreciated for my dad, Robert Keene . He had a big fall a week ago, resulting in a concussion and a crack in his skull. This seems to be healing well. 
He is now being admitted at Providence Hospital in Portland because his legs have lost mobility. They anticipate he will be there until at least Tuesday/Wednesday, at which point they may move him to a rehab facility. 
Please notify me if you would like to visit and I can get the room number to you. 
Thank you friends!"

Friday, February 21, 2025

Cindy's Family - Cindy PTG

 Please pray for Cindy Moreno's family during this difficult time.  Cindy went be with the Lord on February 21 around 10:40a.m. May God's comforting presence be with Cindy's family (His brother Ruben and Sister). May they find peace in the Lord.  Please pray that all funeral arrangement will fall in place, that everything will be taken cared of.  

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-February 20, 2025

Major Isaias Braga-Major Adelma's surgery went very well yesterday. She is well and in the full recovery process. We want to thank you all. Prayers are now requested for her full recovery!

Major Laura Sullivan-Please pray for a resolution to the pain in my abdomen. We have been accepted into a colorectal specialist program at Scripps Hospital. I will go for my first visit on March 6th.

Lt. Loren Philpot-Please pray for Capt. Ruth Wilkerson(retired) and family as she has just lost her daughter Pam Wilkerson unexpectedly.

Major Michelle Thielenhaus-I am scheduled to have hip replacement surgery next Monday the 24th, however I am still dealing with a cough from the cold/flu thing I got last month and now I have a double ear infection in my right ear! Please pray that I can get rid of all of this before Monday so I can still have my surgery!

Major Mark Merritt-I would appreciate prayers for Kathy as she begins recovery from her total knee replacement surgery on Tuesday.

Doris Hall-Please pray with me for: displaced families, Doris Hall, Donzell Hall, Jon & LaStar and Children, James Lettries, Mary Hart, Officers and Employees, Programs and Ministries open in the name of Jesus.

Lt. Christopher Rockwell-My assistant and I have caught the flu. It's not COVID, but it's miserable, nonetheless. Please pray for comfort and healing.

Major Becky Sibaja-Please pray for our Warehouse Employee Charlie. He felt bad one day at work last week, went home, had a seizure and was taken to the hospital. After several tests, Drs. They had to perform an MRI and found a brain mass they had to immediately operate. He is now recovering from surgery. Please pray for full recovery in Jesus Name.

Major Taylor Santos-Please continue to pray for the ministry in Micronesia especially on Pohnpei. Pray for the officers, soldiers and congregation that the LORD will raise up a strong Army in this part to the globe.

Major Carlos Souza-Please continue to pray for Natalia.

Taiwan Region

§ 60th anniversary Congress in October 23-24 October Officers Brengle 25 October Revival Meeting 26 October Congress celebration. Pray for all the preparation and most importantly the hearts of our congregations.

§ Five potential Candidates

Five soldiers have indicated their intention to respond to the calling of Officership. Pray for the process moving forward smoothly.

§ Two corps are growing and need new premises. Pray for God’s guidance to new locations.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Karina Ruiz Cousin PTG

 Please continue to lift up the Ruiz family up in your prayer.  Karina's cousin passed away in Washington State.  She leaves behind a husband and two kids.  May God continue to help this family.  Please pray for guidance and comfort during this difficult time.  Pray for the details of the funeral moving forward, that all the details will fall in place.  

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-February 13, 2025

Lt. Col. Shari Fowler- Pray for some of our officers that are dealing with health concerns including a few surgeries.

Pray for Corps that are preparing review forms, that it will be a unifying and empowering time for their people to look at their strengths, assets, challenges, and goals.

Pray for us as we prepare for our Divisional visit/review that we may be able to communicate a clear and exciting picture of the ministry landscape and vision for the division.

Pray for Corps and Divisional events that are in the planning stages. May God lead and direct us to how best to “Make Him Known” in our communities.

Capt. Paul Swain-I would ask you lift up my wife’s time at ICO. That she and her session would finish strong.

· Pray for our open positions. For God to send the right people.

· For my heart. That good or bad I would not seek my own deliverance and comfort but the strength to see God’s good will prevail no matter what the impact is on me. Only that His peace and joy would reign regardless of the outcomes, or my expectations not being met.

· Lastly, I have two very heavy unspoken prayer requests for two officers I have been allowed to suffer alongside.

Capt. Ernesto Lozano-Many things have happened already this year 2025 in our family, my older brother Major Hector Diaz is in slow rehabilitation in El Salvador, my younger sister Doris Lozano passed away, my sister Ana Maribel Lozano Diaz had a stroke because of everything that is happening,

and is hospitalized in the hospital in Montebello. Could you help pray for physical healing for both please.

Capt. Kevin Woods- I would like to request prayer for my sister, her name is LaRonda Woods. She is in the hospital with serious lung problems and a broken leg.

Major Isaias Braga-We ask for prayers for Major Adelma, for successful surgery next Tuesday February 18th.

Lisa Garcia-Prayers for my mother-in-law’s surgery on Friday. Prayers for the fire victims and those who are facing uncertainty; Prayers for CN and SN for the rains to cease as quickly as they come.

Lt. Christopher Rockwell-Pray that we remember that true wealth comes from living in God’s love and being accountable to His love. I think sometimes we lose sight of the real prize that is in Christ Jesus when we get in a rush to achieve. Thanks, and God bless all of you at THQ!

Major Michelle Theilenhaus-I have a pre-op appointment tomorrow morning to go over the details of hip replacement surgery.

I also have a home league lady whose son in law committed suicide leaving behind his wife and several children and another home league lady whose son was threatening to kill himself that has also been dealing with recovery of falling back into addiction along with his marriage ending and several mental health issues. Both these families are having a very difficult time with all these issues.

Sri Lanka Territory

1. New Applicants for College Please pray for the 11 applicants who are preparing for the 2026 training session.

2. Children and Youth Activities Pray for all children and youth activities in the territory, especially Sunday School programs and this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) in all the Corps.

3. Extension Ministry Work Out of the 8 extension mission points established last year, 2 have been upgraded to Corps status. Let us thank God for this victory and pray for a bold spirit to continue sharing the love of Christ in these areas.

4. Officers’ Well-Being Pray for the spiritual, mental, and physical health of all officers.

5. Economic and Social Well-Being Pray for the country’s economic and social stability, and for the new government, that they may lead the nation toward a better life for its citizens.

6. South Asia College for Officers (February) Pray for the South Asia College for Officers hosted by our territory in February. May the delegates return to their respective missions with a renewed spirit and boldness to bring more people to Christ.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Don G. - Wife's surgery and recovery

Update on Ronda: All went perfect. Stint removed. We are done with all of this! Praise the Lord!
"Ronda is going in for her 6th surgery now. Pray for complete success and recovery. We are prayed up and ready!"

Prayers from Children